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How To Invest During a Recession Like Buffet

Warren Buffett is considered one of the most successful investors of all time, with a net worth of over $100 billion as of 2023. During confusing times, and times of turmoil in the stock market, we look to gain knowledge from some of the wealthiest investors to try to replicate their success.  Buffet’s investment philosophy is rooted in fundamental analysis and a focus on long-term value, rather than short-term speculation. In times of economic uncertainty, such as a recession, Buffett’s advice can be particularly valuable. Here are some of his key insights on investing during a recession.

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money saving tips

3 Money Saving Tips 2023

The internet provides us with glimmering hope that there are ways to save our own money.  The reality is, some items are easier said than done.  Here are three reasonable, simple, yet effective tips that you can do for your own personal finance.  These tips are doable and not pie in the sky.

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